Greetings from Kleinwöllmiß ...

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Greetings from Kleinwöllmiß ...

Post by ClausRogge »

... in Austria, for those who don't know ;)

Got my hands on a Parker deluxe (238088 BP) yesterday so finally have a Fly again, too. Shown along with some of my other instruments, a Fly Bass, a P-36, a Godin and my 6string fretless built by Daniel Furian of 13Instruments in Graz, Austria. Oh and my main axe for now, the Chapman Stick which is the only one of these used in a band right now.
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Re: Greetings from Kleinwöllmiß ...

Post by vjmanzo »

Welcome @ClausRogge!! Beautiful family of instruments you have there! ♥️
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Re: Greetings from Kleinwöllmiß ...

Post by Nefarius »

I remember that Fly bass from Claus' jazz gig back... yeah, I don't know when that was. :lol:

Good to see you've found your way here!

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Re: Greetings from Kleinwöllmiß ...

Post by ClausRogge »

Hi Nefarius! Yes you came to our gig at Babenbergerhof, maybe 2011 or 12, that was when the Bass was all I had from Parker. I had a Fly that someone had modified, installed MIDI and all but it didn't sound good. Then I bought the P-36 and I had a P-40 too but I never used it so got rid of it. Been looking for a real Fly ever since and was lucky with this one!

Don't know why but logging into the other forum where we met earlier suddenly wasn't possible anymore ...
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Re: Greetings from Kleinwöllmiß ...

Post by Nefarius »

They suddenly shut down the original website (including the forum) a while after Parker went bye bye, despite a few veteran users with IT backgrounds asking several times to please talk to us to move the collected knowledge and history of the community to a new place, if they intended to throw in the towel. Sadly they didn't, but somehow many of us found this place, just like you did.

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Re: Greetings from Kleinwöllmiß ...

Post by Nefarius »

BTW I'm passing Daniel's shop every day on my commute to work, never went in though.
Would you recommend his work?

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Re: Greetings from Kleinwöllmiß ...

Post by ClausRogge »

DEFinitely, he's a real master! I had my Acoustic fretless 6string built by him and right now he's building an acoustic Stick-like thingy for me ... should be done in a few weeks. I tested one of his classical guitars last week (I finished classical guitar with a masters degree) and it was incredible! Trust him, he can do anything. Builds lutes and everything.
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