is a community providing open access to Parker-related information, which includes manuals, wiring guides, and other documentation. Our forum is generously moderated and maintained by volunteers and grows with each post from owners like you! Accessing this knowledge-base requires no registration or other entry-barriers, but please consider becoming a member our's free! New products and adapted parts are developed by teams working in the EGIL as well as many others in our community.
The Fly Clone project is sponsored by the EGIL and supported solely through donations, the sale of Fly Clone products, and, of course, our community of volunteers.
Be sure to read the FAQs section, a bit about Parker Guitars history, and Ken's Corner
Note: If you are looking for stock OEM parts, we strongly recommend that you contact Mike Gallenberger at on Reverb or wiguitar on eBay to see if the part you need is available in his stock.
You can Support the Fly Clone Project by making a donation.
-Goal one of Fly Clone Project is to model or source every component of the original Parker Fly guitar (1993-2003) as well as some aspects of the early "refined" (2003+) Parker Fly and some other models; this includes a comprehensive list of all bridge components, electronic components, screws, and so on. Producing CAD models of all components will ultimately allow us to fabricate parts through 3D-printing and machining methods.
Toward this goal, see the parts page where every Fly component is listed as well as our open-access repository of models.
-Goal two involves determining how best to make the “cloned” parts available to Fly owners through this website with a sustainable workflow. We are actively reverse-engineering, redesigning, and iterating on critical Fly components, some of which we have made available here.
-Goal three involves the creation of the advanced and specialized tooling used to create specific Fly components including springs, the fretboards, and stainless steel frets.
-Goal four involves the adaptation of existing parts for new functionality and operation, and ultimately: experiments toward new innovations.
The Fly Clone project will continue to exist as an independent research effort regardless of and unrelated to the official status of the Parker Guitars brand thanks to our community of members, contributors, collaborators, and moderators. Welcome to Fly Clone!
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*All product and company names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. Parker Guitars, Parker, Fly, Fly Guitar, and NiteFly are registered trademarks of U.S. Music Corp, a division of Jam Industries, LTD. Use of these marks does not imply an affiliation with U.S. Music Corp, Parker Guitars, or its parent companies and does not imply an endorsement by these companies.