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Sold: 1997 Fly Deluxe $1700

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2021 10:27 pm
by vjmanzo
Congrats to whomever scored this “Great Condition” ‘97 Fly for $1,700 from Guitar Center:
Always nice to have the option to take advantage of Guitar Center’s 45-day return policy—especially if you’re a prospective “first-time Fly” owner! The site image doesn’t seem to show, so I’m curious if the new owner bought it sight-unseen; I’m sure many of us would be willing to do just that given the GC return policy! 😛

Re: Sold: 1997 Fly Deluxe $1700

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2021 12:27 am
by jb63
If they had it shipped, with taxes they paid close to $2100.
There are a few flys here in SLC, but they rarely play out, they usually end up getting away like this one did.

I had to buy one of these recently and ended up paying $1999.