FAQs - New to Parkers or to this Forum?? READ THIS FIRST

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FAQs - New to Parkers or to this Forum?? READ THIS FIRST

Post by vjmanzo »

Welcome to the Fly Clone Project, a site dedicated to preserving information about the Parker Fly and other Parker Guitars. For more info on the Fly Clone Project, click here; we are a research effort of the Electric Guitar Innovation Lab at WPI.

Start Here
Nearly everything you need to know about setting up, maintaining, and operating your Fly guitar can be found by reading and following the links on this page. Start by reading the manual here—no seriously: you're gonna wanna read the manual! As a member of this forum, you are encouraged to post issues and questions, but remember, first, to RTFM (Read The Fly Manual)!

::::: Popular troubleshooting threads are listed at the bottom of this post! :::::

Different Fly Models and Tonewoods
The differences between Fly models can be found by comparing the wood types here including some narrative about the tonal differences. One of the best ways to learn about the different Parker Guitars models including "what was available when" is to read through the catalogs here.

Wiring guides and electronics information beyond what is covered in the manual can be found here.

Vibrato Bridge/What Does that Wheel Do?
For additional questions about setting up your vibrato, or, if you just want to know what the deal is with that wheel going through the Fly, see here.

Pickup Options
Aftermarket pickup options for the Fly here.

Fly Parts List
A list of every part in a Fly and where to obtain them.

Serial Numbers
If you have questions about serial numbers, see here.

History of Parker Guitars
Ken Parker created and oversaw production of all models of the Fly, NiteFly, and Fly Bass (FB-4/FB-5) from 1993-2004. Ken also oversaw production of the P-Series guitars between 2001-2004, which were manufactured by Cort Guitars in Seoul, South Korea.

All other models were developed by U.S. Music Corp (2004-2015) including the PM and extended P Series instruments, the DF/PDF/Maxxfly series instruments, and all acoustic instruments. If you would like to know more about the history of Parker Guitars and changes of Fly guitars over the years, see here.

Note: the History post contains a lot of information, but reading it will answer many questions you may have about Parker Guitars and the various components used in the Fly.

Valuing and Selling your Instrument
If you want to know how much your Parker Guitar is worth, original list prices can be found here. Most Flys sold new for around $3,000 USD depending on the model, and, as of 2015, Flys and other instruments are no longer being made by Parker Guitars.

Here is a thread where we discuss the "market value" of Flys.

If you would like to sell your Parker Guitar privately on this forum, see the Classifieds section here.

Buying a used Fly
Here is a thread outlining some things to inspect/check when buying a Fly.

Does Ken have any old Flys/prototypes to sell??
Ken Parker does not have any new old stock, used, or prototype Flys, NiteFlys, Fly Basses available for sale, nor does/will he make one. He occasionally contributes information to his own section on this site here, but, as of 2003, has completely moved on from the Fly, and is not building (nor is he interested in building) any electric guitars. Ken is, now, making innovative archtop guitars and has created a series of lessons on instrument-making called Archtoppery. Be sure to check out the #ParkerPrototypes for some Fly eye-candy!

What’s Not Covered in the Manual
Here are some important things about Flys that are not covered in the manual.

Repairs and Service
As of 2015, Parker Guitars no longer provides support for any of their instruments, so this thread is where members of our community contribute their experiences working with local technicians on Flys and other Parker instruments.

Sharon at Shazrock Paint worked at Parker Guitars with Ken in Wilmington and under USM in Mundelein, but is no longer doing this sort of work. Our community continues to curate a list of Parker tech-persons including those who specialize in finishes. recommend that you call her for all inquiries related to your Fly’s finish. Here’s a thread on some of the early Fly finish codes in case you intend to perform this work yourself.

Join us!
Having said all that, please consider introducing yourself here!

How to Post

Creating a New Topic and Basic Markup
In the appropriate subforum, log in and click the "New Topic" icon. You can apply markup tags to any text you enter by 1) highlighting it and 2) selecting one of the quick markup code icons from the menu:
This allows you to quickly "mention" other forum member, link to the manuals or catalogs, enter hyperlinks, apply bold or italic styling and so on. You can also mention a forum member by typing the @ symbol followed by their username (no spaces).

To attach and insert images while posting, click the "Attachments" tab, click "Add files" to select an image, and, after it uploads, click "Place inline" where you want it to appear in the post:

Notifications & Messaging
Members can allow others to contact them via DM, email, or not at all (see Control Panel; DMs sent to other users will remain in your outbox until the recipient opens the message.

Quick URLs for Reference:
We have several tiny URLs for ease of sharing common information:
http://flyclone.com/catalogs - all catalogs
http://flyclone.com/manuals - all manuals
http://flyclone.com/serials - serial number info
http://flyclone.com/electronics - wiring guides
http://flyclone.com/pickups - Fly pickup options
http://flyclone.com/anatomy - all Fly parts
http://flyclone.com/history - a brief history

Popular Troubleshooting Threads - Fly Clone Hot Topics
In addition to the advice contributed by the man himself in Ken’s Corner, here are some highlighted threads and # topic links that may be helpful for troubleshooting common issues:

#PickupPreferences #PickupWiring #PickupIssues #FlexPCB #PiezoIssues #SwitchReplacement
-Bypass piezo preamp in mag position
-Switch pin arrangement
-Bad piezo saddle
-Replacing switch; mag/piezo bleed
-Piezo not working
-Dead Pickup
-Weak Pickup
-Crosstalk/noise through pickups
-Modifying Pickup Baseplates for a Fly

Setup-related Info
#SetupPreferences #VibratoBridge #TuningIssues #IntonationIssues #SpringIssues #StringIssues
-Common questions about setups
-Setting action
-Nut slots cut too deep
-Fixing a broken or stuck truss rod
-String gauges and balancing tension
-Intonation issues

Other Wear and Tear
#FretIssues #SaddleIssues #SpringIssues #JackIssues #NutIssues #TrussIssues

#ParkerPrototypes #FinishMatters #NeckContour #MIDIFlyResources #WoodTypes

Some Cool Build/Mod/Repair Threads
#FlyMods #ElectronicsMods #DIYGuides
-Complete Electronics Rewire and Expansion
-Total Refurbish of Trashed Fly Deluxe
-Fly MIDI Mods
-Making Fly Backplates
-12-string Fly Mojo Mod